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A member registered Jun 13, 2021

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This game is really charming and fun! My time had a similar idea but couldn't think of a good way to implement it, but this is a really fun way of doing it! My only issues are that the questions sometimes come too fast (I understand this could be on purpose) and repeat questions appear after a while - these are quite noticeable though.

The game looks really good and the idea is really fun. However, I feel that you move too slow and movement feels clunky. There also isn't a proper goal, there is no obvious point system or timer to motivate play

The game is interesting, challenging and fun. However, the main mechanic isn't obvious at the beginning which puzzled me until I started pressing random buttons. The perspective is also a little off and I did see one glitch. I do really like it though.

The game and it's mechanic where fun and original (if a little hard to grasp). The aesthetics where simple but work well. 

Sound was well used to make tension, but the game itself felt a little bland. The game play was bland but not bad. I couldn't see any large gaping errors.

Sound was well used to make tension, but the game itself felt a little bland. The game play was bland but not bad. I couldn't see any large gaping errors.